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How To Add Someone To My Costco Membership

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Sharing the Costco Love: How to Deputize a Discount Deputy (or Add Someone to Your Membership)

Let's face it, Costco is a magical place. A land of overflowing rotisserie chickens, mountains of toilet paper, and enough free samples to put your fridge to shame. But what if you, intrepid explorer of bulk buys, want to share this bounty with a loved one? Fear not, friend, for adding someone to your Costco membership is easier than snagging the last sampler platter.

The Chosen One: Who Gets to Be Your Discount Deputy?

This is a big decision. Remember, with great membership comes great responsibility (and maybe a shopping cart overflowing with enough paper towels to last a decade). Choose wisely, grasshopper. Here are some prime candidates:

  • Your Shopping Buddy in Crime: Is there someone who suffers through endless grocery store aisles with you, patiently waiting while you debate the merits of Brand X vs. Brand Y paper towels? This loyal companion deserves a Costco card!
  • The Sock Orphan Annihilator: Do mismatched socks haunt your home? Does your laundry room resemble a sock graveyard? Bless your BFF with a Costco membership - they'll be buying socks in bulk, ridding the world (or at least your house) of sock loneliness forever.
  • The Snackaholic: We all have that friend. The one whose pantry resembles a convenience store. A Costco membership is basically their dream come true. Just make sure they don't eat all the free samples before you get there.

Pro Tip: Don't overshare your membership with too many deputies. Remember, bulk is great, but you don't want to be the reason they have to ration out toilet paper come rationing day (hopefully never, but hey, stranger things have happened).

Operation Co-Membership: How to Actually Do the Thing

There are two main battlefields in the war on solo Costco shopping:

  • The Membership Counter: Head to your local Costco with your chosen deputy in tow. Prepare to be amazed by the sheer efficiency of the membership counter. They'll whip you up a new card in faster time than you can say "free sample." Just make sure your deputy has a valid ID and proof they reside at the same address as you (no fair adding your neighbor who just wants cheap gas!).

  • The Online Portal: For the digital warriors out there, you can add a membership online for certain membership types (check the Costco website for details). Just fill out the info, pay any applicable fees, and your deputy will be ready to roll (or should we say, ride the shopping cart escalator) in no time.

And They Lived Happily Ever After (with Bulk Discounts)

There you have it! You've successfully shared the Costco love. Now, get out there and conquer those warehouse aisles together. Just remember, with great discounts comes great responsibility. Use your power wisely, and may your free samples always flow freely.

